Mini Lidar for £11
Well to be honest, a VL53L0X time of flight chip mounted on
a small circuit board and then attached to a pan and tilt set-up positioned by
9g servos.
Adafruit do a very nice little VL53L0X board although they can also be easily
sourced from a number of suppliers. I downloaded the AdaFruit Arduino wrapper
for the device library to get me started. Communication is over an I2C serial
interface which keeps things straightforward.
Connections from an Arduino are
just to SDA and SCL as well as 5v and ground.
The tiny VL53L0X chip includes a 940nm VCSEL laser (Vertical
Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser) fitted with infra-red filters giving reasonable
immunity to ambient light interference. The laser is safe and will not damage
eyesight. The device sends out a short laser pulse and measures the time taken
for the light to be reflected back. The measurement range is up to 2 metres although
the device is normally operated in one of 4 modes. There is a default mode, a
high speed mode, a high accuracy mode and a long range mode. I think that all
but the long range mode are good up to about 1.2 metres.
Initial tests using code copied and pasted from the AdaFruit
example program confirmed that distance measurement was excellent – as far as I
could see plus or minus a millimetre in a range to 50cm although my
measurements were probably only just about that accurate anyway. At this
initial stage, I was just pleased it worked.
I then added some code to get the pan and tilt servos
working so I could scan a space in a sequence of horizontal lines. This got me
thinking that I was effectively being presented with a low resolution 3D image
– it just needs some more code (somewhere) to make sense of it.
The circuit could not be much simpler at this stage.
The first draft of the code, still using the simple Adafruit
library wrapper, looked like this.
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_VL53L0X.h"
#define V_VERTICAL 124
#define H_HORIZONTAL 103
uint8_t servoHPin = 10;
uint8_t servoVPin = 11;
const uint8_t sclPin = A5;
const uint8_t sdaPin = A4;
Servo hServo, vServo;
Adafruit_VL53L0X lox = Adafruit_VL53L0X();
void setup() {
if (!lox.begin()) {
Serial.println(F("Failed to boot VL53L0X"));
void justScan() {
VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t measure;
while(true) {
for(int i = -20; i <= 20; i++) {
vServo.write(V_VERTICAL + i);
for (int j = -20; j <= 20; j++) {
hServo.write(H_HORIZONTAL + j);
lox.rangingTest(&measure, false);
if (measure.RangeStatus != 4){
Serial.flush(); // wait for serial buffer to clear
If you have a go at this then you would need to adjust the
two values that set the neutral (straight ahead and vertical) values for the
two servos as these will vary depending upon just how you put the pan and tilt
together. It would have been nice if they were both 90 (the servo neutral
position) but life did not work out that way.
#define V_VERTICAL 124
#define H_HORIZONTAL 103
A quick look around the Internet (May 2018) suggests that
you could source all of the parts for this little set-up, ignoring the Arduino,
for a few pence over £11.
I have been playing with plotting the distance measurements as a 3D surface and will report back on how that shapes up.
If you want to learn more about using the I2C serial interface or controlling servos then I can recommend my book "Practical Arduino C" available at Amazon.
If you want to learn more about using the I2C serial interface or controlling servos then I can recommend my book "Practical Arduino C" available at Amazon.
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